David Datuna

Datuna's artwork all in eye of beholder

September 17, 2015 - Carlo Wolff

Regard “Eye to Eye: Marilyn” straight on and you’ll see Marilyn Monroe. Move to either and Marilyn will smear. Walk right up to the blonde bombshell and peer through the eyeglass lenses that so change the view in this wall sculpture, one of 21 by David Datuna on view at the Contessa Gallery in Lyndhurst, and you’ll see daubs of paint, mostly red and green, that provide the background.

Contessa Gallery Announces Groundbreaking Jay-Z / Picasso Project by Artist David Datuna for Art Miami

November 20, 2013 - PR Newswire

The highlight of Contessa Gallery’s Art Miami booth will be David Datuna’s Jay-Z / Picasso: Opposition of Imaginations. Two portraits, Picasso and Jay-Z, represent the contact of the conceptions of two diverse artistic periods. This opposition creates an energetic, mental, philosophical, and emotional perspective on art’s evolution. The two portraits together serve as a collective image, with Picasso embodying and conceptualizing the energy, fundamentalism, and expression of the 20th century, and Jay-Z’s fragmented portrait representing modern art as an experimental puzzle.

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